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Title:   Mens Poems

Are you tired of those sissy 'friendship' poems

that always sound good, but never actually come close to reality?

Well, here is a series of promises that actually speak of True Friendship.

You WON'T see cutesy little smiley faces

Just the stone cold truth of our great friendship.

1... When you are sad,

I will jump on the person

who made you sad

like a spider monkey

jacked up on Mountain Dew!!!

2. When you are blue,

I will try to dislodge

whatever is choking you.

3. When you smile,

I will know you are

plotting something

that I must be involved in.

4. When you're scared,

we will high tail it out of here.

5. When you are worried,

I will tell you horrible stories about how much worse

it could be until you

quit whining, ya big baby!!!!

6. When you are confused,

I will use little words.

7. When you are sick,

Stay away from me

until you are well again.

I don't want whatever you have....

8. When you fall,

I'll pick you up

and dust you off--

After I laugh my rear off!!

9. This is my oath...

I pledge it to the end.

'Why?' you may ask;

-- because you are my FRIEND!

Friendship is like peeing your pants,

everyone can see it,

but only YOU

can feel the

true warmth.


This joke is from the collection at www.usaone.net/jokenet

joke number 94   Current Rating 10

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